
We grow produce that is fresh and delicious.

Rotating crops, feeding the soil and carefully selecting seeds are just a few of the details that go into this farm. We are working towards maximizing the amount of high quality, delicious food to feed ourselves and our communities. We also produce a line of fermented foods called Sour Beast that include various sauerkrauts, curtido and hot sauce.

We are first generation farmers. Jamie has a background in mental health, and a passion for seed saving and soil life. Sarah has a background in graphic design, with a passion for growing radicchio and peppers and greenhouse production. We are drawn to farming because we value nutritious food that is soil and sun grown. We also appreciate the creativity and problem solving farming requires.

Growing Vegetables


We aim to grow quality food while symbiotically rejuvenating the soil, air, water, and people we encounter.

We use a human powered wheel hoe, seeders, and hand tools for all our planting and cultivating needs. When we need extra power we have a power harrow and rotary plow for reshaping our beds. We use only organic approved amendments are used. For pests we use things like row cover to keep insects out, spray liquid seaweed to strengthen the plants and we have a double layered electric fence in hopes of keeping the deer from eating all the carrots and radicchio. We do all of this knowing a portion of what we grow will go to the other creatures we share the land with.

Image by Carolina Andrade

Image by Carolina Andrade